} Its important to correctly classify employees under the FLSA guidelines. /*-->*/. Please purchase a SHRM membership before saving bookmarks. Federal authorities plan to propose new overtime and joint employment regulations in the new year, among other updates, according to regulatory agendas published Friday. While the primary goal of the rule is to update the minimum salary-level requirement for white-collar exemptions, changes to the duties tests also will be considered, said McCutchen, who is astrategic advisor for New York City-based ComplianceHR. According to the Regulatory Agenda, the Department of Labor (DOL)s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) is now planning to release a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Please log in as a SHRM member before saving bookmarks. The duties tests denote which employees are exemptnot eligible for overtime payand they depend on a variety of factors. Majority of countries guarantee paid paternity leave but not the U.S. Should a workforce comprised of a single age group raise a red flag? developing strategies to handle potential pay increases as well as submit public comments to DOL on the feasibility of any new threshold. He previously served on the firms Executive and Financial Management Committees and currently sits on the firms Compensation Committee. [CDATA[/* >
new flsa overtime rules 2022
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